



由2017年1月1日起,凡申请喀麦隆电子跟踪单,必须提供TRANSACTION IDTAX PAYER’S NUMBER,否则无法签发正本。


例子:Transaction ID No: PR000236 (八个字符)Tax Payer’s No: M010700021805Q (十四个字符)

注意,以下2类情况暂时不需要提供Transaction ID,其他情况都需要提供:




“The transaction number requested for the establishment of the ECTN results from a new procedure in force in Cameroon at the level of the Single Window in place.

Any importer wishing to make a shipment must first obtain this transaction number free of charge by creating a tracking record of his shipment at Douala. Once this procedure is done, a transaction number (PRxxxxxx) is generated and the importer must communicate it to the shipper for the establishment of the ECTN in order to link it to its record previously created in Douala.

The procedure being new, shippers who are confused must simply call their correspondent in Douala to ask them for the transaction number associated with their shipment.

The importer will be able to approach the Single Window at the port of Douala to obtain this number quickly.

Shippers should understand that without this transaction number they can not clear their goods in Douala.

So if they do not make the effort to ask it quickly to do the BESC they will have difficulties in Douala.

For all expeditions of used vehicles , the number of transaction will not be required to the shipper because a default number will be informed for all these cases in the system.“



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